Friday, March 20, 2009

Day off and it´s Friday!

Today is a teacher´s work day (studiedag) for my children. Just realized the translation English they´re working and in Swedish they´re studying. Interesting..but back to my day, so I´ve taken the day off, I freelance so I can do that...I´m my own boss, nobody tells me what I can or can´t do! YEAH! No I´m just talking trash what all that really means is I didn´t book any meetings today. So getting off my high horse and back to my story....the sun was shining through the kitchen windows casting a shadow on everything that crossed it´s path. Reading the morning paper, sun in my eyes, the day off and it´s Friday! Sometimes you just have to be happy about the small things in life. A day off in this household with the children is a day filled with Swedish bulle (cinnamon buns for all you non Swedish speaking citizens) coffee for me and hot chocolate for them. Lots of snuggling and a hike in the forest. Later we plan on ending our day with a big family pizza for dinner. These kind of days are not so good for your figure but good for the heart and soul. Hope your day is lovely too!

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