Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Practice makes perfect or something close to it

When you want to be good at something you have to practice. Languages are no different. If you want to improve your English you have to practice and try and learn from your mistakes but the most important thing is that you practice, practice and practice some more. Also listen to others that are good speakers.

Many people don´t dare to speak or don´t want to say too much with the fear of making a mistake. I understand your fear and I know where you are coming from so I can sympathise with you but sorry to say you still have to do it anyway. You have to practice, dare to make mistakes, dare to speak up and ask that question in English when you´re in the meeting at work, dare to make that call in English to your customer. Will it be perfect, will you make mistakes? Maybe but you´ll learn from them and with each attempt you will get better and better and most importantly feel more comfortable. Despite your imperfections you might even inspire the ones you´re speaking with, inspire them with your courage of daring to do it anyway.

You can´t be good at ping pong or mountain climbing or horse shoe throwing or anything else if you don´t practice and languages are no different! 

Every opportunity you get to practice and learn improves your skills and you get better and better until you´re close to perfect.....because who wants to be perfect anyway?

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