It is one of the things that people fear most even more than spiders!
Why is this?
Probably because we don´t practice it enough. We are afraid of failing or what other people may think if we make a mistake. We are putting ourselves " out there " when we give presentations and it takes us out of our comfort zone. These are the real underlying reasons but people are certainly quick to give other excuses.
Like many things there is no quick fix and to improve your presentation skills you must practice....and I mean a lot. All of this practicing will minimize your presentation nerves or you will at least learn how to handle them so you are in control and not your nerves.
Many people at companies claim to give presentations on a regular basis.
My question is are you giving a presentation or are you reading from your power point slide?
For a long time I have encouraged my clients to practice your presentation skills and minimize showing how power point savvy you are. Power point slides should support your presentation not the other way around.
Take it easy on the text in the slides this is why YOU are there presenting. The audience is not there to read a load of text and listen to you read it to them. Unprepared presenters use a well prepared company PPT slide and they basically read it to their audience. I cringe just thinking about it and yes it does happens ALL THE TIME. Give character and impact with your presentation. Give them something they don´t expect and with the prevalence of slide reading showing that you can give a top class presentation without power point is probably something they won´t expect.
Here are more relevant tips from BNET article encouraging less Power Point more human power! 23 Sure-Fire Ways to Improve Your Presentations
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